What are the restrictions on decor? What is the policy on candles? The only adhesive material allowed on the walls, floors, or wood pillars is stage/drafting/painters’ tape or gaffers tape. All other decorations must be freestanding. You may use candles as long as they are enclosed in glass and the flame does not reach higher than 2” below the height of the glass. No confetti, rice, bird seed, wish lanterns, or glitter will be allowed.
What is parking like? Do you offer valet parking? There are approximately 150 parking spots located in the front and rear of the building. Please be advised, guests are not permitted to leave their vehicles at the venue overnight.
Does your venue provide alcohol? You must have a Certified Bartender if you choose to serve alcohol at your event. Bartenders must serve all alcohol from behind the bar. Caterers or a bartending service will take the responsibility and liability of alcohol service.
Does my event require Security? Any event where alcohol is served (regardless of guest count) requires a Fulton County Deputy on duty during the event hours. All alcoholic beverage service is required to end thirty (30) minutes prior to scheduled ending time for security. Fulton County Deputy has the right to end beverage services at his/her discretion. Events with 100 or more guests are required to have a Fulton County Deputy on duty during event hours. Certain events with over 250 guests may be required to have additional deputies on duty during event hours.
Do you require event insurance? We require that each client obtain event insurance for $1,000,000 liability, and if you are serving alcohol, you are required to get the additional alcohol insurance. It is a great idea to add on cancellation insurance to cover you in case anything happens prior to your event. This can be purchased through wedsafe.com or privateeventinsurance.com and typically cost around $175.00.
Does AE at Lakewood allow pets on the premises? Pets are not permitted inside the buildings. This does not include service animals.